Annelia Tinklenberg to Chair and Patrick Williamson to Serve on a Panel at the 2020 SME Annual Conference & Expo
INTERA’s Annelia Tinklenberg, PG, Senior Hydrogeologist, and Patrick Williamson, PG, Principal Hydrogeologist, will be participating as industry experts at the 2020 SME Annual Conference & Expo in Phoenix, AZ, held February 23-26. Annelia will serve as the Chair for the session entitled, Environmental: Holistic, Regional Mine Water Management session on Day One (February 24) at 2 PM. Patrick will serve as a panel member during the Environmental: Panel Session: Security and Exchange Commission Rules on Mineral Property Disclosures: Effective Environmental and Social Risk Coverage in Technical Reports, on Day Two (February 25) at 9 AM. For more information about the conference, visit https://www.smeannualconference.com/