Dr. Jeremy White to Present at AGWA/AGWT 2021 California Groundwater Issues Conference
Jeremy White, PhD, Principal Hydrogeologist at INTERA, will be presenting at the AGWA/AGWT 2021 California Groundwater Issues Virtual Conference to be held February 9-10. Dr. White’s presentation entitled “Realizing Decision-Support Dividends from Groundwater Modeling Investments” will be presented on Day One of the conference. INTERA is also a sponsor of this event, which is an annual information-exchange program that is being presented in webinar format for 2021. To learn more, visit: https://agwt.org/sites/default/files/civicrm/persist/contribute/files/AGWA-AGWT%20CA%20Groundwater%20Webinar%20Program(15).pdf