Dr. Steve Young Joins INTERA Team
INTERA is pleased to announce the addition of Dr. Steve Young to the INTERA Austin office as a Principal Engineer. Dr. Young has more than 29 years experience in characterizing and solving groundwater supply and remediation problems. His specific areas of expertise include application of flowmeter pumping tests and sedimentological facies models to characterize aquifer heterogeneity. Dr. Young has worked for a wide-range of clients including municipalities and groundwater districts. He has experience with designing remediation systems and well fields, developing groundwater models, and evaluating groundwater resources. He is a professional geologist, a professional engineer, and a certified groundwater professional. Dr. Young completed his graduate research at Stanford University and the University of Waterloo with a focus on using sedimentological concepts to characterize the hydraulic properties of aquifers. For the first 15 years of his career, Dr. Young primarily performed research for the Tennessee Valley Authority, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Defense, DOE, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and private companies. His research focused on developing approaches to characterize the scale and direction of spatial variability in an aquifer hydraulic conductivity field important to the modeling of groundwater flow and transport. Dr. Young has over 100 publications related to the characterization or modeling of aquifer heterogeneity.