Dr. Steve Young, Ross Kushnereit, and Dr. Neil Deeds to Present at the 2021 Texas Groundwater Conference
INTERA’s Steve Young, PhD, PE, PG, Principal Geoscientist, Ross Kushnereit, Hydrogeologist, and Neil Deeds, PhD, PE, Vice President and Principal Water Resources Engineer, will be presenting at the 2021 Texas Groundwater Conference entitled, Everything Aquifers and Groundwater Management. The conference will be held June 30 and July 1 at the Omni Austin Hotel Southpark and will focus on legal, policy, management, scientific, engineering, and technical issues regarding the State’s aquifers. Dr. Young and Mr. Kushnereit will present on ASR Modeling in Bell County: Choosing the Right Level of Complexity to Meet Project Needs during the first morning session of Day 2 (July 1). Dr. Deeds will present with Jennifer Adkins of the Edwards Aquifer Authority on Monitoring Network for the New Braunfels ASR Project Downdip of Comal Springs, also during the first morning session on Day 2 (July 1). In addition, INTERA’s Stephanie Moore, Senior Hydrologist, is moderating one of the sessions and INTERA is also a sponsor of this year’s in-person event! For more information, and to register, visit: https://agwt.org/civicrm/event/info%3Fid%3D323%26reset%3D1