Neil Deeds’ professional experience encompasses research and applied practice in modeling and analysis of hydrologic systems, including water availability, flow, and transport. He has experience applying codes such as MODFLOW and its variants, MT3DMS, SEAWAT, SWIFT II, SWAT, NUFT, UTCHEM, and UTSTREAM for fluid-flow modeling and GTFM/nSIGHTS for well test analysis. Neil has focused on uncertainty, importance, and risk analyses as applied to physical modeling studies and has developed and used numerous uncertainty analysis and optimization codes, such as PEST, UCODE, mCalc, and GoldSim. He has worked extensively with desktop geographic information systems software, including ArcGIS and GRASS, including developing web-based GIS applications using both ESRI’s ArcGIS for Server and open source solutions, such as Geoserver. Neil has been involved in more than 40 modeling projects and has served as project manager and technical lead on many water resources modeling studies, including groundwater availability models for aquifers throughout Texas. He has also served as the technical manager and technical lead in quantifying processes such as recharge, hydraulic conductivity, and surface water/groundwater interaction in support of regional and sub-regional groundwater modeling projects. Neil has lead data management and organization projects and has developed data models for several water resources projects. His experience includes preparing communication materials and interacting with agencies and interested stakeholders including municipal, regional, and state agencies.
Neil Deeds, PhD, PE
Corporate Treasurer, Executive Vice President, Principal Water Resources Engineer
PhD, Civil Engineering, The University of Texas, 1999
MS, Civil Engineering, The University of Texas, 1997
BS, Environmental Engineering, University of Oklahoma, 1994
Professional Engineer (TX)
Austin, TX