INTERA will have a large presence at this year’s Waste Management Symposia, held in Phoenix, Arizona, February 26 through March 2, 2023. Our presence will include presentations by four of our engineers and scientists and an additional eight principal and executive level staff members in attendance. Our presenters include Dr. Wei Zhou, Principal Engineer, who will present Performance Assessment of Active Trenches in 200 East and West Low-Level Burial Grounds,and Dr. Mikey Hannon, Geoscientist, who will present Evaluation of Past Leaks at Waste Management Area A-AX, Hanford Site, Washington on Wednesday, March 1 during Session 110 (Modeling Applications and Flow/Transport Analysis in Environmental Remediation), which begins at 8 am; Dr. Kimberly Ralston-Hooper, Ecotoxicologist/Environmental Risk Assessor, who will present Updates to the Hanford Site Composite Analysis Dose Calculations Based on Central Tendency and Updated FGR Values on Thursday, March 2 during Session 172 (Modeling Applications and Risk/Dose Analysis in Environmental Remediation), which begins 1 pm; and Signe White, Senior Hydrogeologist, who will present Groundwater Fate and Transport Modeling to Support Evaluation of the Hanford 200 West Area Pump and Treat Facility also on Thursday, March 2 during Session 185 (Approaches for Evaluating Hydraulic Impacts from Pump-and-Treat Systems), which begins at 2:50 pm. In addition to her presentation, Signe White will also participate in the Session 9 Roundtable: Innovative and Cost-Effective Monitoring Approaches, held on February 27 at 10 am. INTERAns in attendance will also include Kelly Hunter, Will Nichols, Dr. Alaa Aly, Dr. Marsh Lavenue, Rob Wilson, Dr. Sunil Mehta, Dr. Benoit Paris, and Dr. Matt Kozak. We hope to see you at the 2023 WM Symposia!