Water Sourcing
One of the oil and gas industry’s biggest challenges is finding adequate water supplies to support completion and production operations. INTERA is a leader in evaluating, quantifying, developing, and managing groundwater resources in all of the geographic areas we serve, including the major oil and gas exploration and production areas in Texas and New Mexico. Through our work in developing regional-scale groundwater availability models of major and minor aquifers for agencies such as the Texas Water Development Board and conducting more local-scale studies and analyses in support of the aquifer management efforts of groundwater conservation districts and other similar organizations, INTERA brings the knowledge and experience needed to identify and develop water supplies. To evaluate groundwater resources, our geoscientists have ready access to both public and commercial well log databases and are experts in analyzing these logs through the use of state-of-the-science software such as Petra®. We are also experts in developing and applying models to optimize well spacing and evaluate the long-term impacts of groundwater production at both local and regional scales. INTERA’s knowledge of groundwater resources means we can locate a source, evaluate its quantity and quality, and determine the sustainability and reliability of the source to cost-effectively meet the requirements of oil and gas production operations.
- groundwater resource evaluations
- characterization of hydrostratigraphy, aquifer productive zones, and water quality
- compilation and petrophysical interpretation of well logs
- geostatistical analysis of hydrologic data
- evaluation of potential conflicts with existing public and private supply wells
- groundwater flow system modeling
- well-field design and optimization
- regional- and local-scale impacts of groundwater production
- long-term supply sustainability and reliability
- well siting and field services
- drilling supervision and oversight
- geologic logging and sampling
- well testing and test interpretation
- monitoring of water levels and water quality
- permitting and regulatory interaction
- development and implementation of monitoring plans
- technical representation with state, regional, and local water management agencies
- stakeholder communications, presentations, and workshops
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