INTERA’s Dr. Jeremy White, Principal Hydrogeologist, has co-authored an article featured in the Environmental Modelling & Software Journal, March 2022 issue (Volume 149). The article is entitled, “A model-independent tool for evolutionary constrained multi-objective optimization under uncertainty” and discusses an open-source tool that has been developed to facilitate constrained single- and multi-objective optimization under uncertainty (CMOU) analyses and demonstrates the capabilities of the CMOU tool. To read the full article, visit: A model-independent tool for evolutionary constrained multi-objective optimization under uncertainty - ScienceDirect
INTERA is committed to the future of sustainable resource management and software tools like PEST++, that enable decision makers and stakeholders to interrogate models in ways not previously possible, and identify optimal, risk-based management strategies. To learn more about INTERAs’ services visit: Uncertainty Analysis (PEST++) | INTERA