Decision-support analysis software used to guide long-term planning by water utilities, mine operators, and industrial site managers
One of the biggest challenges facing environmental and numerical modeling is the lack of efficient and widely applicable software to enable access to sophisticated decision-support analyses. For the last 10 years, INTERA’s Jeremy White has worked to help fill this void by contributing to the development of the forward-looking, PEST++ software that provides modelers with a modern, flexible, and scalable solution to undertake advanced model-based analyses. The non-intrusive design and sophisticated algorithms available in PEST++ have made it the go-to software for many decision-support analyses.
- Uncertainty Analysis
- Data Assimilation/Parameter Estimation
- Global Sensitivity Analysis
- Management Optimization Under Uncertainty
INTERA is committed to the future of sustainable resource management and software tools like PEST++, that enable decision makers and stakeholders to interrogate models in ways not previously possible, and identify optimal, risk-based management strategies. In addition to Jeremy White, INTERA has other highly-skilled modelers that have valuable experience in uncertainty and sensitivity analyses and in using PEST++.
Want to participate in the development and application of PEST++? INTERA welcomes your input! The code is open source, lives on GitHub, and is continually evolving to serve industry needs. Community contributions are welcome!
Uncertainty Analysis and Predictive Analytics
Some of our trusted clients:
Learn more about our Uncertainty Analysis services
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