Challenge: To develop comprehensive plans covering drought and water efficiency opportunities.
Solution: Using our expertise with the Colorado Water Control Board’s guidelines (an INTERA staff member helped develop the Colorado guidance documents for municipal drought and water efficiency planning), INTERA developed the Town of Erie’s Drought/Water Supply Shortage Plan and Water Efficiency Plan. The plans were developed in parallel to maximum efficiencies and ensure that they were well integrated. INTERA facilitated eight workshops with Erie staff from multiple departments (e.g., public works, planning, engineering, parks and recreation, economic development, etc.) to discuss and receive input on the main components of each plan. This proved to be a productive exercise in helping the Town coordinate water-related topics in the future.
Results: The plans lay out a roadmap for further enhancing Erie’s water efficiency program and developing a coordinated drought mitigation and response protocol during water shortages, Additionally, a water demand and supply spreadsheet model was developed to better understand how water supply availability compares to projected water demands during various hydrologic conditions. Strategies for better integrating land use planning and water planning/management were also developed with an implementation plan moving forward.