Challenge: To evaluate and improve the Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) performance at two semiconductor manufacturing facilities.

Solution: As part of meeting Freescale’s internal EHS requirements, INTERA completed an EHS audit at two of the company’s semiconductor manufacturing facilities. Freescale’s EHS Management System included 47 individual EHS programs that needed to be evaluated as part of the audit. Team members with matching expertise were assigned to program areas that included air emissions, risk management planning, source reduction/waste minimization, stormwater/groundwater, waste disposal and recycling, and wastewater management. In addition to program area records, interviews with Freescale’s Program Managers were included in the data gathering process. 

Results: Audit findings were documented and reported in accordance with Freescale’s EHS Management System and confidentiality requirements. To minimize interruptions to productivity, the audits were conducted in a concentrated format over a three- to five-day timeframe at each facility.