Challenge. Evaluate and incorporate geologic and hydrogeologic information as part of the application to obtain a radioactive material license for the refurbishment and re-start of an in-situ recovery (ISR) uranium processing facility that sat idle for more than a decade
Solution. INTERA compiled and organized data on site physiography, climate, geology, hydrostratigraphy, subsurface hydraulic properties, structure, water levels, regional groundwater flow, recharge, discharge, and water quality, as well as interaction of the groundwater system with streams, lakes, and springs. A significant portion of our efforts focused on conducting a detailed assessment of the Gulf Coast, Carrizo-Wilcox, and Yegua-Jackson aquifers in south-central Texas near the project area. All of this information was integrated with the other license application components to assess the potential environmental impacts of operating the facility. After receiving the license, the Hobson Facility was completely refurbished and is a fully operational processing plant for uranium resins and yellowcake.