INTERA’s Steven Humphrey, PG, Hydrogeologist, Dr. Abhishek Singh, PE, President, Water Resources and Supply, Dr. Michael Hannon, Geoscientist, and Dr. Neil Deeds, PE, PG, Vice President and Principal Water Resources Engineer, will be presenting at the 5th Annual Western Groundwater Congress to be held September 19-21, 2022 at the Sacramento Convention Center & Hyatt Regency in Sacramento, CA. Mr. Humphrey will give a technical presentation entitled, “Monitoring and Modeling Streamflow Depletion in an Ecologically Sensitive Area” on Day 1 (September 19) during the Groundwater Management for Environmental Resources session, which will be moderated by INTERA’s Dr. Singh. Dr. Hannon’s presentation will occur on Day 1 during the Innovative Contaminant Assessment and Remediation Techniques session and is entitled, “Development of a Deployable Vadose Zone Model for First-Order Insights on Infiltration Gallery Installations in the Vicinity of Known Soil Gas Plumes”. Dr. Deed’s presentation is entitled, “Modeling Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Tailoring Complexity to the Needs of Operators and Regulators” and will also occur on Day 1 during the Advancements in Numerical Groundwater Modeling and Decision Support Tools session. On Day 3 (September 21) during the Managing Subsidence session, Dr. Singh will give a presentation entitled, “Monitoring, Modeling, and Managing Subsidence - the Importance of Delayed Compaction”. INTERA is also a sponsor and will be an exhibitor at this GRA event. For more information and for the agenda, please visit: