Annelia Tinklenberg’s expertise is focused on designing groundwater and surface water investigations and drilling programs, leading complex hydrogeologic evaluations, and developing regulatory reports to support mineral development projects and mine closure and reclamation. She develops and/or modifies Mine Plans of Operation and Reclamation, background site assessment and baseline studies, hydrogeological characterization studies, as well as environmental data collection work plans and sampling and monitoring programs to support permitting of new mine sites and reclamation and closure of former mining operations. Annelia brings specialized experience in site characterization design, hydrogeologic conceptual model development, and the application of groundwater flow models to evaluate groundwater impacts and water availability.  Annelia is a Qualified Person as defined by Regulation S-K, Subpart 1300 and contributes to 43-101 compliant technical reports in support of mineral disclosure projects for publicly traded mining companies. Some of her recent experience includes managing a complex, multi-year hydrogeological investigation to characterize a uranium plume from legacy uranium mill tailings; leading the permitting and testing of high-capacity, deep (>5,300 feet) water supply wells for a proposed potash mine; designing and leading groundwater and surface water baseline studies for a proposed copper mine; and managing a complex, sitewide monitoring program for closure of a uranium mine. Annelia is the Operations Lead for INTERA’s Mining Services line of business, and also serves on the Executive Committee of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, & Exploration’s Environmental Division.