Van Kelley’s professional experience has focused on developing and applying groundwater flow and transport models to evaluate water resource management strategies and waste-management issues. In the area of water resources management, he has applied models to determine regional groundwater availability over long-term planning periods, evaluate and predict future groundwater quality, and assess the impacts of various management strategies on local and regional surface water and groundwater resources. He has developed and used models to guide site investigation efforts and define additional data needs, interpret field investigation results, predict future states of groundwater flow and contaminant transport, define regulatory boundaries, evaluate remedial alternatives, and design and optimize soil and groundwater remediation systems. Van has experience in applying a wide range of analytical solutions and numerical codes and has applied a number of geostatistical tools including conditional simulation techniques, kriging, indicator kriging, and uncertainty analysis methods. He has managed and executed over 40 major groundwater modeling projects with budgets ranging from $10,000 to $5 million. Van also has experience in conducting hydrogeologic investigation programs, including the design, implementation, and analysis of tracer tests and deep-borehole hydraulic testing campaigns. He has applied this experience to a variety of environmental, water resource, and waste isolation projects involving the investigation and remediation of subsurface contaminants, the hydrogeologic characterization of sites being considered for geologic disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes, and the development of models and other quantitative tools to evaluate water resource management strategies.
Van Kelley, PG
Executive Vice President, Principal Hydrogeologist
MS, Hydrogeology, Texas A&M University, 1985
BS, Petroleum Geology, Mississippi State University, 1982
Professional Geoscientist (TX)
Austin, TX