INTERA is proud to announce that on August 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility Review Group (LFRG) voted to approve the Compliance Evaluation of DOE/RL-2019-52 Rev. 2, the Hanford Site’s Composite Analysis (CA). This approval is the successful culmination of a long and expansive project led by INTERA staff, beginning in 2015, across multiple contracts necessary to maintain the waste disposal authorization for all the Hanford Site’s low-level disposal facilities. The work that went into the CA, which consists of 1,014 pages documenting five performance assessments that simulate 10,052 years of fate and transport of 16 radionuclides, models that simulated 588 waste sites, development of 26 (million-plus-node) vadose zone models, commenced in 1998 and was initially led by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). INTERA’s Will Nichols, Senior Vice President of our Northwest Region, was at PNNL when the work began in 1998 and has been involved with the CA since that time, and his technical expertise has played a significant role in the success of this decade’s long effort. INTERA is very proud of all the work that Will has led and completed that has resulted in this important milestone approval for DOE’s Hanford Site. A more detailed history of this work can be found, HERE.