Research And Development
Innovation and Stewardship for a Sustainable Tomorrow
INTERA invests time and money into research and development projects with the goal of driving stewardship forward. Our team has a long history of R&D contributions, and we invite you to explore our active projects and history of publications.
Active Projects
PEST++: A Software Suite for Parameter Estimation, Uncertainty Analysis, Management Optimization, and Sensitivity Analysis
Primary INTERA Participants: Jeremy White (lead developer), Ahmad Askar, Ed DeSousa, Mohamed Hayek, Rui Hugman, Katie Markovich Challenge: To develop a suite…
Mf6Adj: A Generalized Adjoint Solver for Efficient Sensitivity Analysis with MOFLOW 6
Primary INTERA Participants: Mohamed Hayek, Banda RamaRao, Marsh Lavenue, Jeremy White, Katie Markovich, Ed DeSousa, Abhishek Singh Challenge: To address the shortcomings…
pyEMU: Python Modules for Model-Independent Uncertainty Analyses, Data-Worth Analyses, and Interfacing with PEST(++)
Primary INTERA Participants: Jeremy White (lead developer), Ahmad Askar, Ed DeSousa, Mohamed Hayek, Rui Hugman, Katie Markovich Challenge: To address the challenges…
nSIGHTS: Well Test Interpretation Simulator and Analytic Routines for Parameter Estimation, Optimization, and Uncertainty Quantification
Primary INTERA Participants: Randy Roberts (lead developer), Rick Beauhiem (lead developer) Challenge: To develop a well-test interpretation simulator capable of addressing low-permeability…
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Sunil Mehta, Khaleel, R., McMahon, W. (2024). Evaluation of a practical approach for field scale moisture flow modeling in heterogeneous media at a semiarid site. Vadose Zone Journal.
Jeremy White, Mohamed Hayek, Feinen, M. (2024). Parameter ESTimation With the Gauss-Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm: An Intuitive Guide. Groundwater.
Steve Young, Rubinstein, C., Johnson, R. (2024). Case Study of Emerging Groundwater Management Issues at the Forefront of Large-scale Production from a Confined Aquifer: The Vista Ridge Project. Texas Water Journal.
Tyler Hatch, Sadeghi, M., Mohamadzadeh, N., Liang, L., Bandara, U., Caldas, M.M. (2024). A new variant of the optical trapezoid model (OPTRAM) for remote sensing of soil moisture and water bodies. ScienceDirect.
Tyler Hatch, Meles, M.B., Bradford, S., Casillas-Trasvina, A., Chen, L., Osterman, G., Ajami, H., Crompton, O., Levers, L., Kisekka, I. (2024). Uncovering the gaps in managed aquifer recharge for sustainable groundwater management: A focus on hillslopes and mountains. ScienceDirect.
Michael D. Farinacci, Chafe, O.E., Broz, A.P., Levenson, E.S., Anderson, R.O., Silva, L.C.R. (2024). The Spatiotemporal Domains of Natural Climate Solutions Research and Strategies for Implementation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Frontiers in Climate.
Jeremy White, Zoccatelli, D., Wright, D.B., Fienen, M.N., Yu, G. (2024). Precipitation Uncertainty Estimation and Rainfall-Runoff Model Calibration Using Iterative Ensemble Smoothers. Advances in Water Resources.
Wade Oliver, C. Fuller, D.L. Naftz, W.P. Johnson, X. Diaz (2009). Estimating selenium removal by sedimentation from the Great Salt Lake, Utah. Journal of Applied Geochemistry.