Category: Blog
PM2.5 – EPA Pre-Releases Annual NAAQS Revision
February 27, 2024
By Joe Peré, Technical Director of Air Quality Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size – known as PM2.5 or “fine particulate matter” – is classified as one of the six criteria pollutants that is federally regulated under the...
Composite Analysis Approved by DOE’s LFRG After More than 22 Years
October 9, 2023
On August 9, 2023, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Federal Low-Level Waste Disposal Facility Review Group (LFRG) voted to approve the Compliance Evaluation of DOE/RL-2019-52 Rev. 2, the Hanford Site’s Composite Analysis (CA). This approval is the successful culmination of...
PM2.5 – NAAQS Redesignation is Forthcoming
November 4, 2022
*Update to PM2.5 – NAAQS blog post can be found here: Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size – known as PM2.5 or “fine particulate matter” – is classified as one of the six criteria pollutants that is...
EPA Announces Plans To Strengthen Enforcement and Advance Environmental Justice
May 21, 2021
On April 30, 2021, EPA Acting Assistant Administrator for Enforcement and Compliance Assistance, Lawrence E. Starfield, a longtime US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA or Agency) attorney and senior manager, released a memorandum to EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance...
Colorado Groundwater Quality and Emerging Contaminants
December 10, 2020
Shaden Musleh, PE, Principal Water Resources Engineer at INTERA, recently authored an article entitled, Colorado Groundwater Quality and Emerging Contaminants, which was featured in Water Education Colorado (WECO). INTRODUCTION Groundwater is an important resource that Coloradans have relied on for...
Baseline Investigations and Preliminary Design for an In-Pit Tailings Storage Facility
November 22, 2019
Patrick Williamson, PG, a Principal Hydrogeologist at INTERA, recently co-authored a paper with Hernan Beltran, Chris Lane, and Jim Willis, entitled Baseline Investigations and Preliminary Design for an In-Pit Tailings Storage Facility, El Gallo Mine, Sinalo, to be presented at...