Dr. Neil Deeds, Van Kelley, and Dr. Steve Young to Present at Texas Water 2020 – Virtual
INTERA’s Dr. Neil Deeds, PE, Vice President and Principal Water Resources Engineer, Van Kelley, PG, Senior Vice President and Principal Hydrogeologist, and Dr. Steve Young, PE, PG, Principal Geoscientist and Engineer, will be presenting at the Texas Water 2020 - Virtual Conference to be held the week of July 13, 2020. Dr. Deeds and Mr. Kelley will be speaking on Day 1 (July 15) during the Water Resources Technical Session entitled Aquifer Storage and Recovery: Assessment of Water Supply Strategies and Subsidence Risk. This presentation will include the results of a study funded by the Harris-Galveston Subsidence District (the District) that evaluates potential subsidence that could occur if aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) were implemented within the District. The study assesses ASR projects during a long-term drought-of-record and an annual summer peak timeframe and provides recommendations for consideration by the District. Dr. Young’s presentation entitled Vertical Profiling of Water Supply Wells for Zonal Flow and Water Quality Parameters to Guide Prudent Well Field Management Decisions will occur on Day 2 (July 16) of the conference during the Utility Management Technical Session. Dr. Young’s presentation discusses case histories of dynamic profiling of public water supply wells and options for well modifications to significantly reduce the inflow of contaminants, such as arsenic, iron, and radionuclides, which typically occur at their highest concentrations in zones of relatively low flow. The presentation includes an explanation of well profiling, examples of well modifications, and lessons learned regarding the potential benefits of well profiling. For more information, visit: https://www.txwater.org/