INTERAns Awarded ASME Best Paper and Superior Ratings at the Waste Management Symposium 2021
INTERA staff prepared and delivered 15 papers and presentations at Waste Management Symposia 2021. In recognition of the symposium's selection of the US Department of Energy’s Hanford Site as the featured site, 10 of the papers reported on facets of the recently completed draft update to the Hanford Site Composite Analysis. The other five papers described other technical work being performed by INTERA at Hanford.
Of the more than 300 papers submitted, the ASME Best Paper Award went to Dr. Trevor Budge, a Senior Hydrogeologist at INTERA, for his paper entitled “Hanford Site Composite Analysis: Aggregation of Continuing Source Term Simulation Results for Fate and Transport Predictions.” Trevor will receive his award at the 2022 Waste Management Conference Honors and Awards Luncheon. The judges stated that his paper “excelled in the paper judging criteria, which demonstrated knowledge, understanding, and a foundation for future waste management endeavors.”
INTERA’s Mary Weber and Matt Kozak both achieved the rating of “Superior” for their papers entitled "Hanford Site Composite Analysis: Simulation of Radionuclide Transport in Large 3D Vadose Zone Models” and "Use of Inadvertent Human Intrusion Analyses to Support Decisions on Near-Surface Disposal of Low-Level Radioactive Waste”, respectively. Only 52 papers received this honorable recognition from the 300+ papers submitted.