Challenge: To address potential offsite toxicological inhalation impacts from volatile aqueous substances in a densely populated urban area with complex atmospheric and terrain features.
Solution: INTERA prepared evaporative emissions calculations for the subject substances at several locations at the subject site. These estimations were based on the storage volume of the containers and respective containment areas. Using these emissions estimates, refined air dispersion modeling was conducted to determine offsite impacts within the vicinity of the site, which was located in a highly developed and densely populated urban area. A contour graphic with an aerial overlay was developed to demonstrate the potential impacts relative to the release location. Due to the absence of inhalation toxicological data and peer reviewed studies, a toxicological bridging analysis was conducted to develop toxicity endpoints for the subject chemicals based on chemically similar substances where health effects standards and peer-reviewed data has been established. These toxicity endpoints were established to serve the same function as the No Observed Adverse Effect Level (NOAEL) exposure level.
Results: INTERA’s analyses provided a better understanding of the potential offsite impacts of the client’s products on neighboring properties, allowing them to be better stewards of the surrounding environment.