Challenge. Evaluate geologic and geophysical data and develop static and dynamic reservoir models to optimize plans for field redevelopment
Solution. INTERA staff led a multi-million dollar field redevelopment program in conjunction with multiple subcontractors including geologists, engineers, and field managers. Efforts included providing scheduling and work review, reviewing geologic data, analyzing geophysical logs and core data to determine petrophysical properties, updating the geologic structure and reservoir model, and developing an estimate of oil-in-place for the static model. Based on the initial reservoir model, our staff recommended additional stratigraphic characterization locations for targeted production intervals. We used the static model to develop a comprehensive numerical reservoir simulator for optimizing the field redevelopment and to provide production forecasts for project economics. INTERA staff planned the well field development based on the reservoir modeling results and also assisted drillers with geosteering recommendations for horizontal wells based on the geologic structure.