Challenge: To gain an improved understanding of the quantity and quality of available water in Hamilton County and how best to provide safe and reliable water to the communities.
Solution: Hamilton County, Indiana is one of the fastest growing counties in the country, but its growth depends on having an adequate, high-quality water supply. INTERA developed a database-driven data management system that integrates historical data with real-time sensor data from 50-60 groundwater wells. The system uses real-time sensors to collect data from the wells and deliver it to a web-based data dashboard. This serves as an entry point for the county, utilities, mining companies, and the general public to investigate water usage across the region. The system is helping to fill in the gaps in understanding of the aquifers in the county through real-time monitoring and is being supplemented by groundwater modeling and a feasibility evaluation of a potential infiltration system.
Results: The real-time monitoring data provides insight on how the timing of aquifer withdrawals and discharges, and seasonal precipitation affect the regional supply and how best to manage it. Analysis of the collected data is helping water users and the public learn how the aquifer system works and how to better work together to ensure that all will have an adequate water supply as population growth continues.
Related Video: Sustainability for Water Utilities - Leveraging Technology for Resiliency