Challenge: To ensure compliance with Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) permit requirements for industrial stormwater discharges.
Solution: For over 20 years, INTERA has played a key role in helping SACHEM comply with the requirements of TCEQ’s Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit for Industrial Facilities (MSGP). Our initial efforts included preparing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for SACHEM’s facilities in Austin and Cleburne, TX. This involved completing the following tasks at each facility:
- Inspecting the facility to identify all chemical storage, handling, and transfer areas that may be exposed to stormwater
- Evaluating existing stormwater structural controls including containment and diversion structures and conveyance systems
- Evaluating existing operating, maintenance, inspection, and training procedures
- Identifying potential non stormwater discharges
- Documenting these tasks in a SWPPP compliant with the TPDES MSGP and the industry-specific requirements applicable to the facilities
Each SWPPP includes exposed material inventories, site maps, best management practices for chemical and stormwater management, visual and analytical monitoring requirements, training and inspection requirements, and recordkeeping requirements.
INTERA conducts annual site compliance evaluations at each facility and prepares the reports and plan revisions required by the MSGP. INTERA updates the SWPPPs at least every five years when the MSGP is renewed.
Results: Both SACHEM facilities have remained in compliance with the MSGP.